Mother’s Day celebrations can trace roots all the way back to the ancient Greeks and ancient Romans, and although the majority of countries celebrate this holiday on the second Sunday in May, there are celebrations for Mom’s from early February until early December…I guess Mom’s don’t like January!
The ancient Greeks celebrated Cybele, AKA “Earth Mother”, whose priestesses apparently led her people to celebrate with wild music, drumming, dancing, and drinking…sounds a little more exciting than our North American celebrations!
In Africa there are apparently many festivals and events throughout the continent that also celebrate Mother’s, the diverse cultures there don’t contain it to a single day!
Although similar celebrations to our modern incarnation of Mother’s Day had some recognition in the late 1800’s, it was officially declared a holiday in the US by the state of West Virginia in 1910, and the rest of the states soon followed suit.
So around the world, cultures have always, and still do, celebrate Mom’s. Being a Mom myself, I do have an opinion on how this all plays out!
Now, every Mom is different, and so every family should celebrate their Mom in the manner that she prefers…but I have to think that any Mom anywhere in the world would enjoy feeling appreciated and loved, would love some pampering, perhaps a gift or a special dinner.
For me, a tidy house (that I did not have to clean!), happy children, and a day relaxing without having to think…at all…would be lovely!
A nice brunch with flowers on the table is always appreciated, and one of my daughter’s great foot massages would be a big plus!
I am personally not a fan of going out for meals on Mother’s Day and other such holidays, the crowds and the chaos do not serve to relax me.
Ordering in is always a preferred option…and makes for a much easier clean up than if the family cooks!!
Of course, wild music, drumming, dancing, and drinking in Greece is not a bad option either!
Check out our recipe section for some great specialty cocktail recipes to mix up for Mom, and I would love to hear from some of our great Drink Guy fans what your favorite way to celebrate Mother’s Day is!
And always remember this all important quote… “Raising kids is part joy, part guerilla warfare.” ~Ed Asner
Happy Mother’s Day and Cheers…Lynn!