Jesse James and Sandra Bullock are still the Hollywood buzz as we continue our great Drink Guy fans discussion in Episode 10 of TDG TV! This time with the help of a male fan we discuss whether Sandra has any fault in the affairs, and why did they not learn from Tiger Woods?
As the story goes Sandra Bullock apparently appears completely oblivious as her famous husband Jesse James, has his way with anyone and everyone who walks through the front door, apparently following the example of Tiger Woods!
Is it necessarily Sandra’s fault for being away working all the time, while Jesse’s occupation revolves around being at home, allowing him free access to his many affairs.
On one side of the affairs, should Sandra Bullock be available more or be more sensitive to the needs of her husband, Jesse James. Or, should Jesse be able to take care of himself while his wife, Sandra is away. Either way, the fan consensus is that no one can say both of them didn’t see this coming, hence the rumors of an iron clad pre-nup.
And as stated on the episode to varying degrees, someone is to blame for this mess. If Sandra Bullock didn’t honestly believe this could happen with her saint of a husband, Jesse James, listening to the news and the reports on the Tiger Woods situation should have rung some alarm bells for her perhaps!
Our fans seem to disagree somewhat, in this episode and the last episode, as to whom is to blame in the event of cheating. The “cheated upon” Sandra Bullock or the “doing the cheating” Jesse James. Is a marriage all work and no play or does it take some work on both sides? Is monogamy a thing of the past and would swinging solve the problems we see here?
Is a relationship all about money, power and fame and do women always find themselves attracted to the “bad boy” label?
This seems to be a hot topic for celebrities, and a constant topic for discussion. Please give us some feedback and let us know what you think.
Cheers…. The Drink Guy Team