

  • 52 ounce Dry Red Wine
  • 26 ounce Brandy
  • 16 ounce Aquavit
  • 25 whole cloves
  • 20 crushed cardamom seeds
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 ounce dried orange peel
  • 2 cups blanched almonds
  • 2 cups raisins
  • 16 ounce sugar cubes


Put all ingredients, except sugar and Aquavit*Aquavit is a flavored spirit, usually caraway or dill, that is principally produced in Scandinavia, in a large pot and bring to a boil.  Turn down the heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, STIRRING occasionally.  Place a mesh strainer over the pot and spread the sugar cubes over it.  Saturate with the Aquavit.  Ignite and let the sugar melt into the pot.  STIR again and serve in heated mugs.