
159 Posts
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Fun From The Drink Guy!!

Having Second Thoughts About Hiking and Biking!

It’s Monday People…

Funnies Mildred, the church gossip and self appointed monitor of the town morals, kept putting her nose in other people's business, but the church flock feared her enough to keep silent. She made a mistake when she accused Mad Dog, a new church member, of being a woman chaser and alcoholic after she saw his old Harley parked in front of the town's only bar. She told Mad Dog, and others, that seeing it there only proves what he is doing. Mad Dog, a man of few words, stared at her , then turned and walked away. He didn't defend, or deny. Later that night, Mad Dog quietly parked his...

Go Crazy On Mothers Day!!

If You Are Not Already There!!

Mom Is Always Right!

And Just In Case Anyone Is Confused...Mom Is Always Right!

Escape Reality on Mothers Day!

Hmm...Easier Said Than Done!

Phuk Dup….

All in the Name of Love Alcohol Does Aid Sex: Australian researchers found that a good, stiff drink actually improves a man's prowess in the bedroom. According to the study, men who consumed up to twenty drinks a week spread over five days had the fewest sexual problems. Those who drank on the weekends only, still had an advantage over men who drank only one day a week or drank none at all. The worst performing group was made up of former heavy drinkers that had stopped drinking altogether. See ladies, we do it for you! Here's A Visual A drunk man pulled his pants down and...
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