
Great drinks can bring life to an otherwise boring party!

They come in an endless number of combinations from Cocktails and Martinis, to Frozen Drinks, Margaritas, and a Punch, to the "one shot wonder", Shooters.

Within these recipes you'll find the appetite stimulating Aperitif and the after dinner Hot Drinks along with Wine or BeerFor the really brave, there are Flaming Drinks, which are guaranteed to liven up any party.

The list just keeps growing, with new recipes being added weekly.  If you don't have the proper ingredients, try and improvise.  All recipes can be modified by adjusting ingredients to suit ones own taste.  Your idea of the perfect Orange Liqueur, might not be the same as someone else's.

So have a look, there is more than enough to please even the toughest critics.

2243 recipes in all categories
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Big Roller

Down the Hatch!

Beam Me Up Scotty

Out this world.

Bazooka Joe

Layer in a Shot glass.

Apple Jack

Called Apple Jack cause of the JD.


The B is for Bailey's.

Pineapple Tequila

Another great recipe from Kathrine!

Strawberry Blonde...

Why was the blondes' belly button sore? Because her boyfriend was blonde too.

Italian Sunrise

From my buddy, Scotty "the bartender" Martin

Freshly Imported

From my buddy, Scotty "the bartender" Martin

West Coast Wet One

From my buddy, Scotty "the bartender" Martin

Running Rebel

From my buddy, Scotty "the bartender" Martin


From my buddy, Scotty "the bartender" Martin

Buffalo Bill

With thanks from my buddy, Scotty "the bartender" Martin

Bloody Caesar...

A fantastic recipe from Ryan Jennings and David Steele, brought to us by the "The Culinary Chase."

White Russian

A Black Russian with milk.

Black Russian

Black or white.

Rusty Nail

One of my favorites..

Harvey Wallbanger

A twist on the Screwdriver.

Irish Car Bomb

Bombs away!!

Fancy Fruit Salad...

An original recipe submitted by a Drink Guy fan...thanks Kathrine!

Prairie Fire

This one burns.

China White

Nothing Chinese about it!



B 52

The original shot.

Rock Lobster

A close second.

Tequila Sunrise

A little early for this Sunrise.

Oral Sex on the...

Mix ingredients in a shaker with ice, strain into a Collins glass with ice. Garnish with an orange and cherry...

Sex on the Beach

I got nothing!! Lol

Fuzzy Navel

Too many will give you a fuzzy tongue.

Sea Breeze

Nothing like a cool breeze.


Quick to make!

Cape Codder

Vodka goes with almost everything.


More Vodka!

Bloody Caesar

Canadian Twist on the Bloody Mary.

Mint Julep

Substitute Dark Rum or Brandy for the Bourbon.


This hits the spot.
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